Florida’s workers’ compensation system is a valuable state program for employees who suffer an injury on the job. This program provides several types of benefits to help employees with their recovery through financial support while they are unable to work. Our attorneys can help you file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits in West Palm Beach and advise on key matters related to your claim. Our team can help you learn more about workers’ comp benefits and the issues that could affect your right to compensation after a workplace injury.

Who Is Eligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Florida requires most employers to have insurance coverage for workers’ compensation claims made by their employees. Benefits under this insurance coverage are typically available to an employee who is accidentally injured while working in the scope of their employment under Section 440.09. The state excludes independent contractors, except for those in the construction industry, from coverage for workers’ comp benefits.

Intentional acts and other misconduct could also disqualify an employee’s injury from workers’ compensation coverage despite it happening in the scope of employment. For example, incidents such as self-harm, assault, and injuries resulting from alcohol or drug use could prevent a person from receiving benefits. If you have questions about eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits, our West Palm Beach attorneys could review the events that caused your injury and explore alternative legal claims for recovering compensation.

How Long Does an Injured Worker Have to File a Claim for Benefits?

Several notice and filing deadlines could apply to a West Palm Beach workers’ compensation claim for benefits. The first period is notice to the employer about the occurrence of a workplace injury, which the employee must report within 30 days. An employee has two years from the date the employee knew or should have known that their injury was work-related to file a petition for benefits under Section 440.19. The limitation period usually begins to accrue on the date of the incident but could be later in cases of occupational disease or latent injuries. Additionally, the two-year filing period also applies to representatives of a person’s estate seeking compensation following the death of an employee.

Different Benefits Available to Injured Employees

Workers’ compensation benefits can cover the following financial needs related to a person’s workplace injury in West Palm Beach:

Medical Benefits

Workers’ compensation coverage includes the billings for all authorized and necessary medical treatment, including evaluations, hospitalization, therapy, medications, assistance for daily care, and more.

Temporary or Permanent Disability Payments

If an injury impacts the employee’s ability to work, a range of disability benefits are available but will depend on the severity of the injury, their ability to participate in restricted duty, and their ultimate recovery from the injury.

Death Benefits

If a workplace accident causes the employee’s death, benefits up to $150,000 could be available for funeral expenses, payment to dependents, and educational benefits for a surviving spouse.

Get Help With a Claim for West Palm Beach Workers’ Compensation Benefits

A lawyer could be useful in managing the different legal procedures applicable to your claim and understanding your entitled benefits. Employers may dispute certain claims for benefits depending on the medical opinions of healthcare providers and other issues. Our attorneys rely on data and experience to help clients navigate these issues through appeal processes or a potential settlement. For help with a claim for workers’ compensation benefits in West Palm Beach, contact our firm for a free consultation today.